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B2B Integrated Applications & Marketplaces

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We empower entrepreneurs and organizations to evolve their B2B interactions from mere transactions to thriving ecosystems. Our B2B Integrated Applications and Marketplaces can transform your customer base into a vibrant community of peers or turn competitors into collaborators. By fostering an environment of digital-first collaboration and industry-specific expertise, we help your business unlock new growth opportunities and redefine marketplace dynamics.

Dune Sport logo
Backstock logo
Walmart logo
HPN Global logo
Pristine Auction logo
Zelus logo

B2B Apps, built by B2B Pros

We’re big fans of “been there, done that – let’s do it again”. Large, all-encompassing software applications by Salesforce, Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP are like Swiss army knives. They pack a ton of features into their apps, but without any specific expertise. And given the choice between a Swiss army knife and a dedicated screwdriver, more often than not, we reach for the screwdriver first. We’re not sh*tting on those companies! They’ve led the way so far – but they’ve priced themselves out with bloated feature-sets and a one-for-all approach. We solve specific problems in specific industries with dedicated, purpose-built solutions.

We're in a golden age where bold entrepreneurs and organizations have the potential to revolutionize their industries, and we’ve been fortunate to help our innovative clients lead the charge. Our process is tested and proven, and we want to put that process to work in your industry.

New Apps for Entrepreneurs/Startups 🚀

You bring the idea and industry expertise, we bring our expertise in design, development, and go-to-market strategies.

Our approach to help Startup Founders stay focused on growth:

  • Bootstrapped mentality, we do more with less, deploying features and iterating is how we work fast.
  • Agility over rigidity, we adapt to new findings and pivot as needed, ensuring we stay aligned with your evolving goals.
  • Fiscally responsible, your limited funds are our shared responsibility, and we prioritize cost-effective solutions without compromising quality.
  • Collaborative approach, We work closely with you, fostering a partnership that encourages innovation and transparency.
  • User-centric design, Our focus is on creating intuitive and engaging user experiences that meet your target audience’s needs.

Ops Systems for Organizations/Enterprise 🏗️

You bring a problem your customers face, we help build a secure and scalable solution to modernize archaic processes or systems.

Enterprise solutions designed to enhance and augment Ops teams:

  • Security forward, we prioritize robust security measures, ensuring your data and systems are protected at all times.
  • Scale focused, our solutions are designed to grow with your business, providing the scalability needed to support your expansion.
  • Handoff documentation, we provide comprehensive documentation (runbooks) and training, ensuring a smooth transition and continued success.
  • Custom-tailored solutions, Each project is uniquely crafted to meet your specific requirements, integrating seamlessly with your existing systems.
  • Proven methodologies, we employ industry best practices and proven methodologies to deliver reliable, high-quality results.

We can build your

AKOS’ flexibility is impressive. We change our minds quite a bit on the different features we want to build. They’re great at execution, and they can transform your ideas into high-quality deliverables.

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Chris Bainer


The app AKOS built for us is much better and cleaner than what we had even dreamed of. Their team helped take our raw vision and turn it into a beautiful, user-friendly app our customers love to use and recommend.

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Joshua VanValkenburg


Our previous system was unreliable, often incorrect, and would cause issues for sales and our manufacturing managers. The new system is seamless and everyone is looking at a single source of truth.

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Brad Fanton


Ask us how we build, maintain, and scale apps.

AKOS & Dealer Backstock showcase image
AKOS & Dune Sport showcase image
AKOS & ClubReady showcase image
  • AKOS - Top App Modernization Service in the United States for 2024
  • AKOS - Top Web Developers in the United States
  • AKOS - Top Software Developers in the United States
  • AKOS - Top Software Developer in Arizona
  • AKOS - Top Software Developer in Arizona
  • AKOS - Top Software Developer in Arizona


You have questions! We can’t leave you curious for too long, that’s how cats go to heaven (RIP Martini 🙏). Here are answers to questions we get asked often.

Pitching us your idea is free and we will even share our experience and feasibility feedback with you in early stages for no charge. If there are a few known unknowns that we need to research, we include that. When we’re both ready to move forward from just an idea to a realistic Product Roadmap, we have specific pricing for that. Generally, most of our projects start from 150k, but we’ve also done projects above 1M (spent over time, not all at once). There’s no way to know till we talk. So, let’s talk →
No! We hear 10+ ideas/week, and signing NDAs for each would paint us into a corner that just isn’t practical. (There are a lot of “Uber for Dogs” startups out there!) Confidentiality is generally included and emphasized in all our project Master Services Agreements, that comes when we start real work on your project. If sharing your idea with us is a concern, let’s talk in generalities until you feel comfortable – we’ll share our experience building apps, and you can decide if we’d be good partners to start your journey.
That depends on if it falls in our area of expertise and preferred tech-stack. If we’re not the best fit, we will introduce you to a trusted partner who will better serve your needs. We’re just nice like that.
We hire really sharp product managers, expert designers, and only senior engineers, so you will be working with folks who take pride in their work– our work. Your project team is built specifically for your project and dedicated to it. Your lead PM will be chosen early in the process and will likely stay with you all the way to the finish line.
Yes! Along with being Strategists, Designers, and Developers – we are also Angels 👼🏼and connected to several other Angel and Venture networks. We can’t do this for all startups – we’re here to first help you go-to-market but can also help you get funding when your startup hits $3M+ in valuation.
It’s complicated, but if we were to simplify – is it the right niche (your idea), is it the right time (opportunity to scale or disrupt your industry), are you the right person (to lead), are we the right partners (to build). If the answer to all of those is yes, then we roll like Rick.
See below!

Let’s Build Something Great Together!

Ready to revolutionize your Industry or Organization? Fill out the form with as much detail as possible. The more information you provide, the better we can tailor our questions and solutions to fit your unique needs. Let's take the first step towards creating something extraordinary together.

We don't know who you are. We don't know what you want (yet). If you are looking for a simple website, we can tell you we don't have the time, but what we do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills we have acquired over our very long careers. Skills that make us a blessing for people like you. If you leave this page right now that'll be the end of it. We will not look for you, we will not pursue you, but if you don't and you submit the form below, we will email you and when we find you – we will love you.
Liam Neeson, probably, if he worked for us.
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