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Build an authentic and powerful online presence.

Whether your website is the heart of your business or an integral asset in your marketing orchestra, it’s the heart of your online presence. If it’s not working for you, something is amiss. Reverse engineering your objectives, we define and design user flows to create an intuitive path towards a predefined call to action. To keep things seamless, we integrate information with third-party systems for a smooth workflow, or build a custom solution to perfectly match your existing processes. The right website is intelligently built to last through future iterations of your business.

Beautiful, functional design

Architect an intuitive flow of information

True user-first experience

Spark delight at the right touchpoints

Easier in-house management

Strategically built for every stakeholder

WebOps to deploy without delay

Accelerate change with the Agile approach

Here's the process.

The Beginning

We take an experience focused approach to everything we do, from strategy through design, development, and client facing systems. The product has to work for you AND your users.


Getting to understand your objectives, goals and desired business outcomes to map the best route towards your vision.

Spec Docs

Detailed documentation of features, functionality, user types, and permissions to provide clarity for all stakeholders.

Team Architecture

Building the ideal cross-functional team for talent, skill, experience, and fit so that we have the right people in the right seats.


Defining and designing user-specific interactions for optimum engagement, usability, and flow.

Dev Sprints

Breaking down feature and functional goals into small achievable blocks, practicing modular programming for faster builds.

Manual Testing

Finding and fixing bugs in every user flow to refine our code to the highest standard of quality possible.

Automated Testing

Machine-backed testing to audit the reliability of systems during maximum user engagement.

Code Reviews

Ensuring clean logic and smooth, readable code to create easily adaptable reusable components.

Iterative Delivery

Small-batch releases of approved, prioritized modules to create fully-functioning components.

Training & Support

Providing a clear and detailed handbook to handle your application with complete confidence.

Phases of your product (r)evolution.

  1. 01


    We lead the way on key technical decisions and communicate the Why behind every approach. We help you prioritize your objectives, outline the ways to achieve them, and advise on the most valuable ROI.

  2. 02


    We thoughtfully prepare to build by analyzing, defining and empathizing with users at every touch point. We garner feedback and iterate quickly.

  3. 03


    We organize the ideal team to tackle the development in a structured way. We focus heavily on the efficient reusability and longevity of code.

  4. 04


    We help you train, hire or scale internal teams to support your success. When it makes sense, we also advise on growth strategy and user acquisition.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Of course. We are a proud Shopify and BigCommerce Partner, and often build custom solutions for the particular needs of emerging businesses. In today’s market, if it’s not the core of business operations, ecommerce is a significant component that expands your presence and reach.

Our loyalty is to the client's needs, not the platform. For that reason, we’re defined as a platform agnostic agency and give you our best recommendation based on your in-house resources, desired functionality, and timeline. Popular platforms we’ve worked extensively on are Wordpress, Drupal, Craft, Contentful, Shopify, BigCommerce, October, Twill, and many others.

Absolutely. As long as it has an API, we’ll integrate it with your website or application.

You’ll need a minimum investment of 20K. Most of our sites last 5-8 years before a refresh which usually comes from want, not need. We recommend budgeting around 15-20% of the project every year to host, maintain, and secure the site.

We provide video tutorials, resource training, and on-call support for those who want it. Most basic maintenance (written content, image swaps) can be done by your team, but we’re there to help if anything goes wrong. We recommend any changes to the code base or integrations go through us.

We like the saying, “Be quick but don’t hurry. – John Wooden” Timing varies based on a number of things from how interactive the website is to the custom functionality it needs, but the bottleneck in web development is rarely on the build-side; it’s typically the content gathering and creation that slows down the process. We recommend having content ready before starting, or using our content team to help you gather and develop the right assets.

While there may be 100 different ways to build a website, the process done right is often more complex than you think. We strive for the best approach based on your needs, today’s most reliable technology, and your forecasted growth.

Hop on a Zoom call with us. Book a time here.

Consult Our Experts

Outdated portals and communications platforms can lead to industry-wide disconnect and lost opportunities. Let’s talk about how AKOS can help you, and your entire industry, move into the future with confidence.

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